UltraEdit Update for Mac and Linux 2023.0: Large file mode and dockable shell windows We’re excited to announce the long-awaited update for UltraEdit on Mac and Linux! This release brings popular...

UltraEdit Update for Mac and Linux 2023.0: Large file mode and dockable shell windows We’re excited to announce the long-awaited update for UltraEdit on Mac and Linux! This release brings popular...
Introduction Every editor has a more or less good search function to search for text, numbers and characters. UltraEdit has integrated so many flexible options for this...
This past weekend, I spent some time reading Mark Pilgrim's e-book Dive Into HTML5 which not only is an excellent...
David from Altaro contacted me with a couple of personal comments a while ago and as a result of that I took a look at...
We are always happy to receive feedback from users; whether it be a simple "thanks for a great product" or "I was...
The People Have Spoken...Again... UltraEdit v14.0 Wins the "People's Choice Award for the Best Business Application or...
A member of our user community recently sent us an article written by Adrian Kingsley-Hughes (of ZDNET.com) inwhich...
Most websites you visit today are rendered by a (usually) PHP and MySQL-based content management system (CMS). With...
In response to growing customer demand, IDM is pleased to bring fully localized versions of UltraEdit, UE3, UEStudio,...
After 14 years of UltraEdit, we are thrilled to announce V14.00..perhaps our biggest release in years! The v14.00...
The People Have Spoken... We are delighted to announce that UltraEdit was awarded with the 2007 "People's Choice...