UE Icon

A powerful, flexible, and highly configurable text editing tool designed to meet every user´s needs.

UE Box

Awarded the #1 top global computing solution year after year

Awarded the #1 top global computing solution year after year

4.7 out of 5 stars
from 1000+ reviews.

The highest rated, most recommended editor.
See user reviews

The Swiss army knife of text editors. Designed for versatility.

UltraEdit Plus
All the tools you need

Get every app we publish plus the mobile versions of UE and UC. Includes free updates.

Versions for both

You get the cross platform versions of UltraEdit and UltraCompare. Install on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

5 for 1 licensing
5 for 1

Your personal All Access license allows you to use all products on up to 5 systems.