Introduction Every editor has a more or less good search function to search for text, numbers and characters. UltraEdit has integrated so many flexible options for this functionality that it will...
Blog – from the folks at UltraEdit, the ultimate text editor for
Windows, Mac, and Linux
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Practical use of UltraEdit’s powerful Column Mode
What is column mode? Column Mode is an often-unknown feature of UltraEdit for many users, and experience has shown that those who have become familiar with it no longer...
UltraSentry in 2013
UltraSentry v13.1 is expected for release in April. This will be an exciting release that further extends the scope...
UltraCompare in 2013
UltraCompare v9 is just days away from beta with a release planned for February. The new version includes a more...
UltraEdit in 2013
With beta quickly approaching and release projected for late February, UltraEdit v19 will deliver substantial...
Pre Announcing v18.0… This changes everything!
Often referred to as the "Swiss Army Knife" of text editing, UltraEdit includes an array of powerful features like...
Multi-platform licensing… It’s what’s next
The days of just being a Windows publisher have passed. For decades it was a Windows only market. But times have...
A look at the benefits of the new licensing in UltraEdit for Mac/Linux v3.0
Hello Everyone, Last year we acted upon your feedback to update our Windows licensing and distribution solution to be...
2012 Roadmap… UltraEdit; engineered for what’s next!
No matter how much technology changes, there is no such thing as reaching the finish line. We are ready at IDM. Our...
PC vs. Mac – what’s all the fuss about?
I don't enjoy the PC vs. Mac debate and don't frequently participate unless goaded by a friend. However, with the...
HTML: A Look Back at Its Past Provides a Lesson for our Future
This past weekend, I spent some time reading Mark Pilgrim's e-book Dive Into HTML5 which not only is an excellent...
A Brief Review – Ooops!Backup
David from Altaro contacted me with a couple of personal comments a while ago and as a result of that I took a look at...