UltraEdit Update for Mac and Linux 2023.0: Large file mode and dockable shell windows
We’re excited to announce the long-awaited update for UltraEdit on Mac and Linux! This release brings popular features from the Windows version to these platforms. Let’s delve deeper into the highlights of this update and what they mean for users.
You can download the latest release from our download page.
Enhanced Large File Mode
One of the standout features of this release is the Enhanced Large File Mode. Many users, especially those in fields like software development and data analysis, frequently work with large files that can be cumbersome to open and edit.
UltraEdit curbs this via a number of settings dedicated for dealing with large files. Enhanced large file mode, as the name implies, brings all these settings into one convenient and common location.
With it you can:
- Easily customize large file optimizations
- Set the threshold for automatically triggering large file mode
- Enable/disable line numbers, code folding, Intellitips, and more.
Access large file mode by navigating”Preferences → File handling →Large files” settings page
Note that UltraEdit can already support considerable file sizes out of the box, so tweak these settings only if you’re dealing with extremely large files.
Integrated Dockable Terminal/Shell Window
Another exciting addition is the Integrated Dockable Terminal/Shell Window. This feature provides users with a powerful tool to execute commands and scripts without leaving the UltraEdit environment. It’s particularly beneficial for developers and system administrators who often need to compile code or run scripts alongside their editing tasks.
The dockable terminal enhances productivity by allowing you to switch seamlessly between coding and command execution. You can customize its placement within the UI, ensuring it fits perfectly with your workflow. Plus, it supports multiple sessions, making it easier to manage different tasks at once.
Numerous Bug Fixes and Improvements
• Impossible to dock undocked windows
• Crash when selecting “Customize Menu” from edit window context menu
• Apply/Ok do not save key mapping assignment unless you click Assign
• Find with “List lines containing find string” doesn’t work when invoked successively on two different files
• Buttons are not properly sized in file change detected dialog
• When UltraCompare is not installed clicking on File/Compare brings up a blank dialog
• Default template shortcuts should match default template names
• Status bar is not updated when highlighting file type is changed from View -> View as (Highlighting file type)
• When “Double-clicking file tab will close file” is selected, double-clicking tab bar should create new file
• Macro list doesn’t show “No macros” when first loaded/toggled
• Script list doesn’t show “No scripts” when toggled with no scripts loaded
• “Indent spaces” option should be subdued if “Use spaces in place of tabs” is not selected
• Find String List isn’t cleared when next search is executed
• Repeated crashes when running macro to end of file
• Pasting content from KeePassXC into UltraEdit results in UTF-8 BOM being inserted with pasted content
• Fields for “Start/End Field” and “Start/End Char” in Advanced Sort Options dialog are not wide enough
• Regular expression option in Find dialog reverts to “Unix” after Replace in hex mode
• “Double-clicking file tab will close file” should be selected by default
• Crash when pasting into UltraEdit
• Quick Find dialog shows extra characters during typing
• “Preferences” changed to “Settings” in UltraEdit menu
• “^” is included in text inserted by template
• Active line jumps to different position onscreen when word wrap is invoked
• All content below line 11341 disappears when scrolling upward with folded lines using customer settings
• Code folding nodes are not visible until UEW file is opened
• Live preview returns incorrect error with XML file
• Perl regex replace of character with diacritic changes character to non-printable character
• Text fields in Page Setup dialog are too narrow to be used
• Support secure coding macOS API
• Added XHTML and XHT to supported file types for xmllint
What’s Next for UltraEdit Mac/Linux
As some of our users may know, there is a disparity between the features available in various versions of UltraEdit. Admittedly, we’re playing a bit of catch up with this release but this should be the last release wherein there are distinct versions for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The next major UltraEdit update should be for all three.
Do any of these features interest you? Have any suggestions on what we should work on next? Help shape the next releases by emailing support.
Absolutely brilliant that UEMac/Linux is being brought up to speed with UEWin. As a UE user since the previous century (!) and early lifetime subscriber, this is very welcome news.
Thanks Jeff! We’re looking forward to it too.
Ditto! I’m using uex on linux exclusively now. It’s gotten to the point where it’s better than it’s competitors, but the closer it gets to its Windows cousin, the better. UEWin is my favorite editor of all time.
Like Jeff, I am also a longtime user (since version 5). I no longer have a Windows environment, but I recall that sorting was easier and more configurable on Windows than the Mac version. IIRC, Windows had a feature to specify several fields by column range and asc/dec. I’m. It at my Mac ar the moment, but I don’t think it has these sorting features.
> this should be the last release wherein there are distinct versions
> for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The next major UltraEdit update
> should be for all three.
Excellent news!