UltraEdit latest changes

The list below contains the latest new and enhanced features for UltraEdit. For a more thorough look at what has been added, take the tour of the new version.

The current major version is 2024.0, released on 04/19/2024. Please note, hotfixes for this version may have been released since then.

UltraEdit 2024.0 Changes (2024-04-19)

Features and enhancements

  • Support for cloud storage services:
    • Google Drive
    • Microsoft OneDrive
    • Amazon S3
    • Dropbox
    • Access and edit files from all your cloud storage services
  • Application scripting additions:
    • New document properties: dateCreated, dateModified, dateAccessed, fileAttributes, owner, syntaxHighlighting, characters, lines, nonEmptyLines, sLOC, averageLineLength, longestLine, changedLines
    • readText/writeText functions
    • getEnvironmentVariable function
  • Updated SSH/Telnet dockable window :
    • Latest encryption standards
    • Support for key agents

Other notable quality improvements

  • Honor Windows setting to hide cursor (mouse pointer) while typing
  • Allow sorting by clicking on the column headers in the Windows dialog
  • Add “Copy” button to Sum Selection dialog for total value
  • Sum selection returns incorrect negative value
  • Add link to main downloads page in Support menu
  • Add ability to run PowerShell script from context menu in Project or FileView
  • Add “New script” as default PowerShell template
  • Default language for syntax highlighting is changed if new wordfiles are added
  • Second instead of first configuration item selected on using Find in Configuration
  • Display issues with Manage Themes dialog on Windows 11 at 175% scaling and UHD resolutions
  • Clipped labels in Modify Templates/Modify Groups dialogs at 125% scaling
  • File extension based font setting is ignored
  • URL selection is incorrect in Markdown file
  • Default Template fails to appear, after closing and reopening the file
  • Renaming a file is not reflected in file lists
  • Creating a new template with the same existing template name
  • “New script” default template does not appear for all applicable template groups
  • UI elements not clearly visible after resizing Modify Templates dialog

UltraEdit 2023.2 Changes (2023-12-15)

Features and enhancements
• Macro edit/create and settings UI update
• Consolidates global macro settings into a single “Macro settings” dialog
• Improved edit/create macro dialogs
• Individual macro settings now exposed in edit/create dialogs
• Proof of concept plugin framework
• Plugin: Code surround
• Plugin: SQL formatter
• Plugin: JSON to XML
• Plugin: File splitter
• Plugin: Tabs to spaces (leading)
• New community reviewed and approved application icons

Other notable quality improvements
• Files saved without an extension erroneously have CSH extension
• Hang when trying to access Find history
• Alt shortcuts added to macro play dialog
• FTP Browser now uses dockable window font for local/remote panes
• Extension is incorrectly added when file is saved
• Expose current tab stop value in scripting API
• Reproducible hang when inserting comment on last line of file
• Resolved intermittent startup instability
• Brace matching is incorrect in PHP when strings include braces

UltraEdit 2023.1 Changes (2023-08-16)

Features and enhancements

  • Enhanced large file mode:
      • Brings all large file settings into a common location
      • Easily customize large file optimizations
      • Enable/disable line numbers, code folding, Intellitips, and more
    • New “Replace once” functionality added to Find/Replace dialog
    • Improved detection and highlighting of URLs in source files
    • Environment variables now supported for default backup directory
    • PowerShell terminal font can now be customized
  • Other notable quality improvements
    • Improved detection of PowerShell scripts
    • Addressed crash when loading specific project data
    • Selection after spell checking “Change” doesn’t work correctly
    • “Right-click”…”Only if Ctrl is pressed” spell check option not working
    • Focus is in wrong pane after opening file from FTP and invoking Find dialog
    • Display standard deletion confirmation message box when “Remove Script” is selected
    • Added setting to specify the number of recent projects shown in list in ribbon/submenu
    • Improved C# function detection for function list
    • Spaces at beginning of lines are dropped when inserting templates
    • Dragging a selection in column mode and dropping it doesn’t work as expected
    • Find next (F3) with unlimited columns not working as expected

UltraEdit 2023.0 Changes (2023-04-24)

Features and enhancements

  • Application scripting update
    • Modern JavaScript support and full browser capabilities
    • Legacy JavaScript support by default for full backwards compatibility
    • Enable latest JavaScript by adding header to script: // @Engine=WebView2
  • Dockable PowerShell terminal
    • Dockable window, place anywhere you wish as a floating window or dock in any orientation
    • Execute any valid shell commands
    • Edit and run PowerShell scripts from the ribbon
    • Run selected portions of PowerShell scripts
  • Enhanced live preview: Dev Tools & Select/Capture/Print
    • Select Inspect from the live preview context menu
    • Review DOM and loaded resources
    • Select command from live preview context menu
    • Capture as text
    • Capture as image
    • Print rendered page to printer or PDF
  • Spell check improvements
  • FTP/FTPS/SFTP improvements
  • Other notable enhancements and quality improvements
    • Caret position is incorrect with certain UTF-8 content
    • Comment/Uncomment improvements
    • URL highlighting and interaction improvements
    • Highlighting incorrect after replace all in selected text
    • Inserting multi-line HTML templates positions the closing tag incorrectly
    • Incorrect highlighting of inline PHP comments
    • Active string isn’t highlighted correctly after quick find
    • Crash on startup with specific command line parameters
    • Caret jumps to beginning of line when editing with Live Preview enabled
    • Enable updated JavaScript support for command line script execution
    • Spellcheck checks entire document instead of selection
    • Added PHP, Python, Ruby, and PowerShell commands to Coding ribbon
    • Crash in command palette with \ root path
    • Crash when inserting a template
    • Unable to scroll to leftmost tab when single line scrollable tabs are enabled
    • FTP: Parsing certain large directories is very slow
    • FTP: Issue loading PPK v3 keys
    • FTP: Files opened in wrong tab group when using tiled windows mode
    • FTP: Extra line added to files opened using ASCII transfer mode
    • FTP: Rename Folder navigates into folder instead of renaming with Show Current Directory Only enabled
    • FTP: F5 triggers Capitalize command in active file when focus is in FTP pane
    • Caret position and auto complete dialog incorrect with Ctrl + Backspace
    • Brace matching incorrectly highlights brace inside string
    • Macro quick record forces Find Up for find actions
    • Crash after sorting file with specific content
    • Quick find skips first occurrence in file after search wraps from end to beginning of UTF-16 file
    • Find (and subsequent find string selection) works in ANSI file, but not in UTF-16 files
    • Find Next skips first occurrence of search string in large file
    • Find skips valid matches for search string
    • JSON manager hangs/crashes when trying to work with very large files (30GB+)

UltraEdit 2022.2 Changes (2023-01-19)

  • Features and enhancements
    • Footnote support for markdown live preview
    • Tasklist checkbox support for markdown live preview
    • New theme: Monokai
    • Open URLs with shift+ctrl+click in currently open files
    • Updated CSS wordfile
    • Ctrl+Left/Right arrow now works for column mode
    • Option to automatically recover documents on system or application failure
    • FTP/FTPS/SFTP is updated to the latest encryption, hashing, and protocol standards including full TLS 1.3 support
    • Telnet/SSH is updated to the latest encryption, hashing and protocol standards
  • Other notable quality improvements
    • File added erroneously to project root instead of group folder
    • Wordfile changes not reflected until files saved
    • Command line flags return incorrect path error
    • Reindent selection doesn’t work with unordered list
    • Statusbar flickers while typing with wrapped lines
    • F3 doesn’t work as expected with infinite column mode
    • Perl highlighting shows all text as comment following \qq
    • Perl regex with \K not finding all matches
    • Quick find UI is hidden or partially visible

UltraEdit 2022.1 Changes (2022-08-03)

  • Interactive login for SFTP (2FA support)
    • Connect to servers that require two-factor authentication (2FA) or time-based one-time passwords (TOTP)
    • New “Interactive login” account option (Advanced tab)
    • Single persistent connection used for 2FA accounts to prevent multiple 2FA prompts
    • Connection stays alive during file editing to avoid further 2FA prompts
  • Chrome (Edgium) rendering for browser view / live preview
    • Upgrades HTML / Markdown preview to modern rendering engine
    • Requires WebView2 browser component from Microsoft (included in Win 11, available on Win 10)
    • Fallback to older browser control for legacy rendering on systems not supporting WebView2
  • Command palette expansions
    • Quick open any previously opened file
      • Type \ then begin typing part of file path or name to filter results; ex: \myFile.js
      • Select path and press Enter to open
      • Clear one or all paths from history
    • Quick open any file
      • Begin typing file path and command palette will offer auto-completing matches
      • Select a matching folder to add it to the path
      • Select a matching file to open it
      • Supports letter drives, UNC, and relative paths
      • Wildcard support for opening multiple files at once; ex: C:\prj\class*.cpp
    • Go-to shorthand
      • Type : then line number / column number to jump to location; ex: :300,25
      • Type :b2 to jump to second bookmark, or :bMyBook to jump to bookmark named “MyBook”
      • Type :p then page break number to jump to page break; ex: :p5
    • Templates now included in command palette
  • Syntax highlighting parser overhaul (Code highlighting data abstracted from editor, improving performance and resolving issues)
    • Syntax highlighting maintained when selecting
    • Support for block comments opened with same characters as line comments
    • Support for arbitrary string pairs (square brackets, backticks, etc.)
    • Added support for Perl quote-like string operators like qq(STRING)
    • Improved XML code highlighting with embedded CDATA sections
    • Addressed issues related to complex embedded code highlighting and longer wrapped lines
  • HTML Tidy overhaul
    • Updated HTML Tidy library to latest version
    • New HTML Tidy UI with dozens of additional options
    • New command and associated key mapping to run HTML Tidy
  • Output window improvements and additions
    • Add and remove any number of output windows
    • Rename output window tabs
    • Select and copy partial or whole lines in output window
  • Other notable user experience improvements
    • Ability to rename unsaved file tab
    • User tools automatically import embedded icon from external executable
    • Re-engineered user clipboards now support selections of >4 GB (exceeding Windows clipboard limitations)
    • “Add file to project” now uses regular File Open dialog
    • Reformat JSON now automatically applies code highlighting
    • Size column is now right-aligned in all FTP file lists
  • Other notable quality improvements
    • Addressed issue with child windows opening off screen when last positioned on disconnected monitor
    • Addressed issues parsing URL formats for right-click open
    • Addressed Reformat Paragraph issues with large selections of text
    • Addressed issue with “Save selection as” and GB of selected data
    • Addressed file lock issue when saving FTP file
    • Removed 160 byte limit on application title bar
    • Improved selection while in column mode
    • Addressed “Server signature does not match” issue with SFTP
    • Addressed issue with duplicated characters in SSH log
    • Added missing “To uppercase” command to key mapping
    • Added file path and name to non-DOS line terminator prompt
    • Addressed tool performance issue with “Show DOS box” enabled
    • Further theming improvements

UltraEdit 2022.0 Changes (2022-03-23)

Note: This release transitioned to a year-based versioning system. The previous version was 28.20.

  • Improved startup speed and performance
    • Various optimizations to startup routines
    • Startup speed now up to 50% faster
  • File view / explorer window improvements
    • Existing file view tabs split out into separate dockable windows
      • File explorer
      • Project
      • File lists (favorites, recents, etc.)
      • Open files
    • New ribbon / menu toggles and key mappings for new windows
  • Command palette enhancements
    • Command palette now fully resizable
    • More responsive and cleaner user interface
  • Macro improvements
    • Greatly improved macro playback speed
    • Reduced screen updates to improve performance
    • Comment support (use # to create a comment line ignored by macro parser)
    • GetValue supports 64-bit integers
    • SaveAs now uses default save directory in all cases
    • Addressed issue with duplicated key mappings
    • Addressed focus issue with GetValue prompt
  • Column mode enhancements
    • Improved performance for column editing in large files
    • New option for “Insert/Fill Column” to ignore last line if empty
  • Find String List (List lines containing string) improvements
    • Greatly improved performance, especially in large files
    • New option to automatically refresh results
    • Double-clicking result highlights match in file
    • Added F5 keyboard shortcut to refresh results
  • Favorite files improvements
    • Redesigned interface to show columns
    • Sort favorite files by name or path
    • Addressed issue with “+All open files” button
  • User tool improvements
    • Tool output now displayed in real-time
    • Run tools on remote (FTP) files
    • Tool runtime input via %modify% now uses active clipboard
    • Addressed issue with shifting key mappings when adding or removing tools
    • Tool tooltips in ribbon now display name
    • Improved scaling for custom tool icons in toolbar
  • Perl regular expression improvements
    • Perl regexp searches now case sensitive
    • Dot (.) no longer matches new line
    • Added support for Perl regexp DEFINE feature
    • Improved memory handling to support more complex regexps
  • Live preview improvements
    • Greatly improved DOM navigation via double-click in browser window
    • Improved selection of text in browser window
  • Settings dialog and user interface improvements
    • Settings dialog is fully resizable – text and options flow and wrap as dialog is resized
    • INI path selectable with new “Open” button for fast access to its folder in Application Layout » Advanced
    • Improved usability of Settings search
    • Improved settings for default file open directory in File Handling » Load
    • Various UI tweaks and fixes throughout settings
  • Smarter F3 (Find Next): Manual selection in source now searches for selection instead of previous regexp
  • New option to disable automatic expansion of nodes in XML Manager
  • New option to create new file when all other files are closed
  • Themed main application area when all files are closed
  • Improved file change detection for network files
  • FTP improvements for stability and usability
  • Auto-complete display improvements for non-Latin characters
  • Improved caret positioning with proportional characters and fonts
  • Better error reporting for JSON manager
  • Ctrl Left Arrow now stops at beginning of file