Split large text files with UltraEdit

From time to time, we get requests to split a very large file into smaller chunks. The good news is that UltraEdit includes the pieces you need to automate this task via scripting. In fact, one of our power users, Mofi, has written a script which will do the job perfectly!
              1. Download the script here.
              2. In UltraEdit / UEStudio, click on the Advanced tab, and in the Script group, click All scripts.

Script Split 1

3. Click Add and then browse to and select the .js file you downloaded.

4. Click Edit to open the script. Look inside the code and change the number of lines per block and the number of blocks per file to suit your needs.

Script Split 2

5. Save the .js file, close it, then open the huge file you want to split. Make sure it’s the only file open.

6. On the Advanced tab, go to Play script and select SplitLargeFileByLineNumber.js.

Script Split 3

7. You’re done! Your large file will be split based upon the number of lines you specified. Learn more about handling large files in UltraEdit