UltraEdit for Linux latest changes
The list below contains the latest changes for UltraEdit for Linux. This is a consolidated listing of new or enhanced features as well as fixes in the application.
Current UltraEdit Linux release: 2023.0 (2024-10-16)
Current UltraEdit Mac release: 2023.0 (2024-10-16)
UE Linux 2023.0 changes (2024-10-16)
Features and enhancements
- Enhanced large file mode:
- Brings all large file settings into a common location
- Easily customize large file optimizations
- Enable/disable line numbers, code folding, Intellitips, and more
- Access from “Preferences → File handling → Large files” settings page
- Integrated dockable terminal/shell window
- Access from “View->Toolbars/Windows->Terminal”
- Select shell type from “Preferences->Terminal”
Other notable quality improvements:
- Impossible to dock undocked windows
- Crash when selecting “Customize Menu” from edit window context menu
- Apply/Ok do not save key mapping assignment unless you click Assign
- Find with “List lines containing find string” doesn’t work when invoked successively on two different files
- Buttons are not properly sized in file change detected dialog
- When UltraCompare is not installed clicking on File/Compare brings up a blank dialog
- Default template shortcuts should match default template names
- Status bar is not updated when highlighting file type is changed from View -> View as (Highlighting file type)
- When “Double-clicking file tab will close file” is selected, double-clicking tab bar should create new file
- Macro list doesn’t show “No macros” when first loaded/toggled
- Script list doesn’t show “No scripts” when toggled with no scripts loaded
- “Indent spaces” option should be subdued if “Use spaces in place of tabs” is not selected
- Find String List isn’t cleared when next search is executed
- Repeated crashes when running macro to end of file
- Pasting content from KeePassXC into UltraEdit results in UTF-8 BOM being inserted with pasted content
- Fields for “Start/End Field” and “Start/End Char” in Advanced Sort Options dialog are not wide enough
- Regular expression option in Find dialog reverts to “Unix” after Replace in hex mode
- “Double-clicking file tab will close file” should be selected by default
- Crash when pasting into UltraEdit
- Quick Find dialog shows extra characters during typing
- “Preferences” changed to “Settings” in UltraEdit menu
- “^” is included in text inserted by template
- Active line jumps to different position onscreen when word wrap is invoked
- All content below line 11341 disappears when scrolling upward with folded lines using customer settings
- Code folding nodes are not visible until UEW file is opened
- Live preview returns incorrect error with XML file
- Perl regex replace of character with diacritic changes character to non-printable character
- Text fields in Page Setup dialog are too narrow to be used
- Support secure coding macOS API
- Added XHTML and XHT to supported file types for xmllint
UE Linux changes (2022-06-24)
- Multi-instance (multiple UltraEdit windows)
- Activate via File » New Window
- Instances remember and reload files
- Git integration
- Automated detection of Git on first run, with import of existing Git settings
- Git status icon overlays for repos in Places and Project tabs in File View
- Git contextual actions (Places / Project tab)
- Right-click on a repository folder to add new files, commit, push, pull, blame, show log, and more
- Right-click on a file in a repo to commit it only, diff, revert, blame, and more
- Diff or merge conflicts directly in UltraCompare
- Access .gitconfig and .gitignore files from context menu
- Git Branch Manager
- Open / access via Git context menu in Places or Project tab
- See list of branches within repository
- Update current branch’s status, commit, and push
- Create, checkout, and delete branches
- Drag-and-drop to merge or rebase
- Git Shell
- Open / access via Git context menu in Places or Project tab
- Run Git commands and see output directly within UltraEdit
- Access Git command history
- Git toolbar
- Activate via View » Toolbars / windows » Toolbars » Git
- Add, commit, stash, push, and pull
- Toggle Git Shell and Git Branch Manager
- Key mapping support added for various Git actions (commit, push, pull, etc.)
- New Git configuration options in Edit » Preferences